Retirement Programs

Not enrolled in the 403b or 457?
To enroll in the College's 403b, please reach out to Bentley Craft at 972.567.8115 or Luke Logan at 469.271.0179.
  • 要预约宾利·克拉夫特点击 here
  • 安排和卢克·洛根的会面 here

To enroll in the Texa$aver 457 (只适用于符合福利资格的雇员),请联络 Mike McLellan at 469.350.8128.
  • 要预约麦克·麦克莱伦,请点击 here

Contribution Limits

For 2024, the limit has changed to $23,000. The additional “catch-up” amount that 50岁及以上的参与者每年可以缴纳7500美元 total of $30,500. More information is available from this IRS publication.




火博体育官网为员工提供了几种方法 save for retirement.


All Employees (Except student employees):

火博体育官网的全职和兼职员工(学生员工除外)可以 参加“柯林投资”退休储蓄计划. Collin College has partnered 与科桥财务共同管理我们的自愿403(b).


员工可以在一年中的任何时候通过登录停止和重新开始他们的扣除 进入Corebridge Financial网站并登录他们的账户. For example, 如果您想在5月结束扣除额并在9月重新开始扣除额,您可以 需要提前联系AIG以便更新和处理日期 through payroll.


更改每周提交给火博体育官网. Any change made Friday - Thursday will be received by the College on the following Friday. 然后,您的Workday配置文件将相应地更新.


如果您在一个月内有多次变动,请查看您的福利 in Workday. 如果您发现任何差异,请拨打972与福利小组联系.599.3152.

Employer Contributions:科林投资加强退休储蓄计划将为雇主提供匹配的供款 to all full-time, benefits-eligible employees. Collin will match your contributions dollar-for-dollar up to 4% of your base salary.  You must contribute to the 403(b) 通过Corebridge计划,以获得比赛.  No employer match is paid 在你没有供款的任何月份. 


To enroll in the 403(b) plan:

  • Visit Corebridge Financial 报名参加403(b)选择性延期计划.  
    • 全职员工计划接入码:40521003
    • 兼职员工计划接入码:40521002

To make a change to your contribution:


Visit Corebridge Financial 登录您的403(b)选择性延期计划或联系您的财务顾问.


Texa$aver 457


符合福利条件的员工也可以通过授权退休计划参加457计划. Visit Texa$aver 457 或者联系退休计划顾问迈克·麦克莱伦. To set an appointment, please use the scheduling tool here


Mike McLellan - - 469.350.8128

Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS)一般来说,全职员工参加教师退休制度 of Texas (TRS).  这是固定收益的国家退休计划. 

  • Employees contribute 8.25% to the plan and the state contributes 8.25%. These rates 是由德克萨斯州制定的,将来可能会有变化吗. The employee, however, is not able to modify these rates.
  • 在TRS系统服务五(5)年后,你可获得退休资格 benefits. 
  • 退休意味着雇员在退休时已经获得了退休收入福利 eligible to retire.  退休收入福利的数额是根据法定的 公式使用员工服务信用与TRS系统的年数, 雇员的年龄,以及在积极参与期间的平均覆盖收入. 

Optional Retirement Program (ORP)

Full Time Faculty and Administrators 火博体育官网的学生可以选择TRS和ORP.  The ORP is a 403(b) defined contribution plan in which, the employee contributes 6.他们工资的65%投入到该计划中,由国家出资 6.6% of the employee’s salary to the plan. With ORP, the college contributes an additional 1.75% of the employee’s salary to the plan. 


作为ORP参与者,您将在参加ORP一年零一天后获得奖励.  ORP退休福利是缴款金额和任何净额的直接结果 每个参与者选择的投资回报. As like most investment plans, 该计划确实有一定的风险和波动.  It is the responsibility 员工监控这种不稳定性,并与供应商合作,以尽量减少 long term ups and downs of this type of plan.


Retiree Insurance Eligibility
  • 服务满10年,符合退休条件的 根据TRS规则(第80条规则),ORP参与者可以提交退休保险.
  • ORP计划的参加者必须符合资格领取年金,而他们的ORP帐户须于 为了维持退休保险的资格. Moving your funds out of ORP can impact retiree insurance eligibility.


你需要填写提供给你的TRS-28表格. This form needs to be received 在你的90天窗口期结束前,由人力火博体育/福利部门提供. Late forms will not be accepted. 一旦您选择了供应商,并开立了帐户,您将需要提交 减薪协议,表明你选择的供应商.

TRS - 28 
Salary Reduction Agreement


To change ORP vendors:

一旦您选择了供应商并开设了帐户,您将需要提交 将新的减薪协议传真至972给人力火博体育/福利部门.599.3156 or email at


Part Time Employees - FICA Alternative Plan

美国大都会保险公司(MetLife)推出了一项代替社会保障的退休计划.  Participants will have 7.他们工资的5%税前扣除PERC计划. Part time employees 火博体育官网的学生必须参加FICA替代计划,除非他们被豁免 by the following: 

  • a current TRS or ORP retiree,
  • 在其他地方从事全职工作的在职TRS会员,或
  • 根据F1、J1、M1或Q1在美国工作的国际雇员 visa. 
FICA替代计划的特点是递延纳税和利息积累, 100%立即归属,可移植性或在完成后转移到个人IRA 离职分离,对活跃账户不收取年费. For questions 火博体育官网FICA的替换,请联系Chuck Mulkey or 972.246.1857.

一些本地供应商可以为TSA或ORP提供投资工具,并且可以提供 为员工选择最佳投资方案提供指导和信息. As 像大多数投资计划一样,这个计划也会有一定的风险和风险 fluctuation.

Retirement Information

Teachers Retirement System of Texas

Overview of TRS/ORP
ORP Vendors
MetLife FICA Replacement Plan
Texa$aver 457 Plan

Collin Invests 403b

TSA Consulting Group - ORP Plan Administrator only


Medical Benefits
Dental Benefits

Benefits Homepage

HR Homepage


MichelleMichelle Benvie
Assistant Director, Benefits and Compensation
(972) 599-3164

Benefits Team

Main Line: (972) 599-3152

TaraTara Rice
HR Generalist, Benefits
(972) 758-3849
Fax (972) 599-3156

MiliMili Kim
HR Specialist, Benefits
(972) 758-3886
Fax (972) 599-3156

VinnaVinna Cook
HR Generalist, Benefits (Part-time)
(972) 599-3152
Fax (972) 599-3156